CSIR - IICT | Applications invited for Scientist, Senior Scientist, and Principal Scientist, Apply Now!


  • CSIR-IICT invites ONLINE APPLICATIONS ONLY from enthusiastic, young, and dynamic Indian Nationals having excellent academic records/proven scientific achievements/requisite experience and desire to take up research as a career in R&D areas
  • The different positions are:

1. Scientist

2. Senior Scientist

3. Principal Scientist.



Designation No. of posts & Reservation Pay Matrix Total Emolument Age limit
Scientist 05 posts (03-UR; 02-OBC) Level – 11 1,03,681/- 32 yrs
Senior Scientist 02 posts (UR) Level – 12 1,19,332/- 37 yrs
Principal Scientist 03 posts (UR) Level – 13 1,81,795/- 45 yrs





Essential Qualification

  • Ph. D. Thesis submitted in Science/Chemical Sciences/Chemistry with Synthetic chemistry because the core area of research

Desirable Qualification

  • Ph. D. degree awarded in Synthetic chemistry with asymmetric synthesis and/or multi-step synthesis of natural products/APIs be a core area of research as evidenced by the Ph. D. thesis and peer-reviewed publications (in SCI journals). Having postdoctoral work experience and/or chemical/ pharmaceutical industry experience is another advantage.




Senior Scientist:

Essential Qualification

  • Ph. D. (Science/ Chemical /Physical Sciences/ Chemistry/Physics) with Nuclear resonance because the core area of research and two years of post-Ph. D. research experience within the core area mentioned above

Desirable Qualification

  • Post-Ph.D. research experience with NMR spectroscopy because of the core discipline of research. Expertise within the development of high-resolution Solid-state /Solution-state NMR methods and their applications to Biosolids/Material Science /Polymers/Structural chemistry, as evidenced by the Ph.D. thesis and peer-reviewed publications (in SCI journals).



Principal Scientist:

Essential Qualification

  • Ph. D. (Science/ Chemical Sciences/ Chemistry) with Bioorganic Chemistry / Lipid Chemistry/ Chemical Biology because the core area of research and a minimum of three years of post Ph.D. research experience.

Desirable Qualification

  • post-Ph.D. research experience within the field of design and development of novel lipid-based delivery systems and nucleic acid-based therapeutics as evidenced by peer-reviewed publications (in SCI journals) within the core research areas mentioned above and
  • Work experience in cellular and animal models and in the interface of chemistry and biology is highly desirable. Research experience during a drug company within the above-mentioned fields is another advantage




How to Apply:

  • Eligible candidates are required to apply ONLINE through our website.
  • Online application will Open on 28-07-2021 (Wednesday) from 09.30 a.m., and Closes on 27.08.2021 (Friday) at 06.00 p.m.



Registration Cost:

  • Candidates are required to remit the appliance fee of Rs.100/-



Last Date:

  • The last date for applying online application and remitting of application fee through the online payment system is 27.08.2021.



How to apply Apply Here

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