National Policy on Education NPE - 2020 - Approved by cabinet

National Policy on Education NPE - 2020



Committee formed by the MHRD and government of Indian Has decided to reform the New Education policy 2020 and this was described by the Amit Khare Head of the Committee  NPC 2020 and decide to reform the education system of India after 34 Years of the Indian Education education system. And there is very Huge education system an on a first impression It seems to be really amazing and If it will be implemented as stated It gonna change everything Not only in the Education field It will change the Research and Development methodology of India By changing in the Norms for the schools and Universities Its has changed almost everything. In this blog we will consider only about the Higher Educational Reforms, Maybe In a different article, we will discuss the Changes About the School.


Evolution of Education Policy:

National policy on Education was introduced in 1968 before this there was an Education commission by Dr DS Kothari, After the NPC (National Education policy 1968) after the 8 years in the 42nd amendment 1976 it has a few changes, After this after 10 Years in 1986 NPE has modified and Now It has been changed in 2020. Maybe This gonna change the Indian Education and Many students who are troubled and being torched by the Indian education Nowadays and due to the Only system They were unable to pursue their dreams but with this system, no one can say he can't pursue his dreams due to education system well let’s see how government gonna implement this.


Major Reforms:

Well let's see the major reforms in the education system by the new National Policy  on Education NPE 2020 was described below:

Major Reforms: In High Education

1, 50% Gross enrollment by 2025

2. Multidisciplinary education: flexible

3.Credit transfer

4. MODEL Multidisiciplinar education research University MERU

5. Grade Autonomy academic administrative and finance

6. National Mission on mentoring


Gross Enrollment ratio:

In the New National Policy  on Education, 2020 Indian Government of India has fixed a target of Gross 50% Enrollment by 2035, Well this is a target but we are excited to see that how they will implement this and Hope this goal can be achieved but Still It’s a great Initiative,


Mulitidisiciplinary Education:

National policy on Education 2020 has stated that They gonna implement the flexible education system in terms pf Subjects and years, Means A student can adopt the years  If any student wants to leave the course In between of the course duration he can leave, If a student completed the ¾ years of UG ( he will get a UG degree) for the PG degree he needs to complete ½ years, Basically If any student wants to discontinue his Programme he can drop in between.


Credit Transfer:

Woohoo, well while writing about I was hoping May I can get the benefit of this But Unfortunately, I can’t But definitely happy for the upcoming generation who gonna get the benefit of this, Basically Government will open a Credit account for every student and as any person ears the money He can earn the credits from the college in the different department so Any student can pursue his/her education in his flexible schedule and subject, UFF It's amazing, Many students face this problem whether they cant take there all desired subjects in one course but with this change, he/she can do this.


And in terms of Yearns student can take the break in this education career If Can take and after some time he can rejoin this education but not from starting from there where he left I mean he needs to continue his credit, all the credits will be stored in the DigiLocker.



Grade Autonomy:

We mean by graded autonomy we mean in terms of Administrative, Academic and Financial terms,

Well in many of the universities all the are have many Colleges affiliated to the university and all the burden of colleges is on the universities, so in this graded Autonomy system Colleges will get the rights in terms of Administrative, Academic and Financial terms, and can make there own decisions.



National Research Foundation( NRF):

 As the united state has the national Science foundation, whether they do the research and fund the projects in science discipline So NRF is the extension of this only but better then this In NRF government will focus on research on not only science but social science also,


National Education Technology Fourns:

Well, this is the need of time to have a forum where anyone can ask there query and get the resolution for there problem and experienced people can share their thoughts so that everyone can work together.


Indian Knowledge System:

With the time we are leaving behind the out tradition, culture, and languages but From now in NPE 2020 Indian education system will focus on the Indian languages, Literature & scientific vocabulary and focus on the research on the languages and promotion of lokvidya/ Traditional arts.




Disclaimer: We are improving this article and Tried to write everything after research If you want to improve this article and suggest any improvement feel free to write In contact. You can edit this post here and send it to

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