NIT Kurukshetra | One week workshop on Structural Equation Modeling Using R-Studio, Apply Now!

NIT Kurukshetra is organizing One week workshop on Structural Equation Modeling Using R-Studio. Interested ones can apply.
- Introduction to Research Process, Types of Research, Variables, ROL
- Introduction to R-Studio, Concept of Packages, Function, Variables
- Data Manipulation using R-package: dplyr
- Univariate Analysis using R-package: summary tools
- Theoretical vs Conceptual Framework, Role of theory in Research
- Hypothesis Testing: Concept & Cases
- Bivariate Analysis using R-Packages ggstatsplot
- Regression: Simple & Multiple
- Types of Construct, Orders of Construct
- Exploratory Factor Analysis
- Exploratory Factor Analysis using R-Packages: psych
- Working on R-package: lavaan
- Introduction to R-Packages: pls pm, matrix plus, SEMinR
- Measurement Model
- Structural Model
- High order Constructs, Saving Construct Scores
- Higher Effects in SEM
- Higher Effects: Mediation, Moderation
- Working on processes- Various models in the process
- Moderated Mediation Models
Workshop Fees:
₹ 5000* (For Faculty)
₹ 3500* (For Research Scholars)
*Includes lunch & tea snacks (Payment will be Non-refundable)
No. of seats:
Limited to 35 participants only
Venue :
Department of Business Administration