NIT Tiruchirappalli | Applications for Internship, Apply by 20th March 2024!

Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Tiruchirappalli is inviting applications for Internships. Interested ones can apply. Applications are invited from the B.E./B.Tech. Civil or Mechanical students of various institutions (other than NIT Trichy) for undergoing an internship at the Department of Civil Engineering under Scientific Social Responsibility (SSR) of the DST-SERB-SRG project (SERB/2022/000774).
Title of the Project:
Vibration Control of Wind Turbine Blade
Essential Qualification:
Currently pursuing 3rd year and Final year B.E./B.Tech. with a good academic background.
Knowledge of Structural Analysis and Basic Structural Dynamics. MATLAB programming and ANSYS modeling skills are preferable.
Two months only
Number of Interns Required:
One (1 no.)
A stipend of Rs.5000/- per month will be paid to the intern and a certificate will be issued to the intern upon completion of the assigned tasks.
Interested students can fill out the online application with the Google Form:
Apply on or before 20-03-2024. For further inquiries, please contact Project Investigator: