STPI and MeitY IoT Open Challenge Program- Govt. of India

Applications are invited for the IoT Open Challenge Program which is organized by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology and Software Technology Parks of India. Interested candidates can apply for this open challenge.
Open Challenge Program (OCP) is a platform where a startup gets an opportunity to solve problems through innovative solutions. The objective of the Open Challenge Program(OCP) is to identity, recognize & reward aspiring and early-stage tech entrepreneurs and innovators in the IoT domain.
The following candidates can apply for this open challenge in IoT,
- private Limited Company (as defined in the Companies Act, 2013) or
- Registered Partnership Firm (Regd. under section 59 of the Partnership Act, 1932) or
- Limited Liability Partnership (under the Liability Partnership Act 2008)
Problem Statement
Smart Electrical Equipment Monitoring system for Industry /Office Automation /Healthcare.
Application submission start date | 11th December 2020 |
Application submission end date | 10th February 2021 |