TIFR Outreach teams' online Chai and Why? on Fun with magnets

TIFR Outreach teams' online Chai and Why? on Fun with magnets


Magnets are everywhere! From tiny magnets sticking things on a fridge to motors in fans, and from superconducting magnets in MRI machines to the Earth itself, we can't escape being around magnets. Join the TIFR outreach team with some cool experiments with all kinds of magnets and magnetic materials, that are not just nice to watch but also spark wonder.

From old favorites to all-new demos that look at everything from basic concepts to fun applications, we hope you'll be attracted to Chai and Why? this Sunday!

The Chai and Why? team

PS: Our next Chai and Why? on May 1st, 2021 will try to understand the recent fascinating results from the "g-2" experiment making precision measurements of the magnetic moment of the muon, a heavier cousin of the electron. If you'd like to know more about the basics of magnetism this Sunday's session of experiments might be a good start!

zoom: https://zoom.us/j/98690834444?pwd=Rk9XUFQ3RUZ6em1YdGZwbkxiZHdMUT09

YouTube: https://youtu.be/6PS_CZKQ9tU

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