Unschool is an e-mentorship platform awarded by the Government of India and incubated at T-Hub (IIIT Hyderabad)
Course Certifications +Project Internships now available at INR2600 ~6000
Avail the offers through the Referral Coupon Code<1171>
Last 3 days of the offer, valid to the first 50 students!
*Hurry up do not miss this opportunity *:crossed_fingers::skin-tone-2::crossed_fingers::skin-tone-2:
Best offer:hugging_face:
2600 for 3 courses
2400  for 2 courses
1800 for 1 course
Vacancies left:25
Looking to be productive this lockdown? provides you with:
:white_check_mark: Experience  Advance mini and major Projects
:white_check_mark: Internship opportunities to enhance your Resume.
:white_check_mark: Looking for the course and project certifications!?

Avail the offers through the Referral Coupon Code<1171>

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