IIT Patna | Advertisement for Institute Post-Doctoral Fellowship (IPDF), Apply by 6 May 2024!

IIT Patna is inviting applications for the Post of Institute Post-Doctoral Fellowship (IPDF). Interested candidates can apply.
Candidates having a Ph.D. degree in Science (Physics/Chemistry/Mathematics), Engineering (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Chemical and Biochemical Engineering), and Humanities can apply. Candidates must have 1st class (6.5 CPI/CGPA on a scale of 10) in the degree preceding to Ph.D. with at least three publications in reputed peer-reviewed journals.
A Candidate who has recently submitted her/his doctoral thesis for the Ph.D. degree in an appropriate discipline can also apply for a PDF position in IITP subject to the condition that she/he will furnish the proof of award of Ph.D. degree at the time of interview.
Candidates who obtained their doctoral degree from IIT Patna can also apply for the PDF. However, it is desirable that such candidates, if selected, will be associated with a faculty member other than their PhD supervisor(s).
Age Limit:
The age limit for applicants for the PDFs will be a maximum of 35 years (relaxed by 5 years for women and reserved categories).
Reservation will be done as per Government of India rules as far as applicable based on merit.
The duration of the fellowship will be initially for 1 year, extendable for a further period of one more year based on the satisfactory progress of the PDF and the recommendation of the Department with which the concerned PDF is attached with.
Fellowship Grant:
Fellowship Amount: Rs. 58,000/- per month + HRA as per rules.
HRA / Accommodation:
Suitable campus accommodation as per IIT Patna norms, if available, may be provided. If accommodation is not provided by the Institute then HRA may be allowed as per Central Government norms applicable to IIT Patna. The fellowship amount may be taken as basic for calculating the HRA.
Contingency Grant:
A contingency grant of Rs. 30,000/- per annum will be provided to the PDF for research purposes.
Medical benefits:
At par with Ph.D. students subject to procurement of health insurance.
Apart from the research pursued by the Post-Doctoral Fellow, the Supervisor/Head of the respective department (with which the PDF is attached) may assign academic responsibilities.
How to Apply & Selection:
Candidates for PDF shall apply in the prescribed format (Form IITP-IPDF).
The candidates called for interview shall have to make a presentation of their research plan before the selection committee in the concerned academic department.
The selection committee shall interview the candidates and discuss the research plan in detail. At least two letters of recommendation/reference from peers regarding the research capabilities and other attributes of the applicant must be submitted along with the application.
Firstly, the application fee must be paid before proceeding with the online application. The details of the application fee are given below:
Category | Application Fee |
GEN/EWS/OBC-NCL | Rs. 1,000/- |
SC/ST/PWD/Women / Transgender | Rs. 500/- |
The application fee should be paid directly to the Bank Account of IIT Patna. The application fee shall not be refunded. Account details are mentioned below:
Institute Account Name: Indian Institute of Technology Patna
Name of Bank: State Bank of India
Account number: 37956807504
IFSC Code : SBIN0017164
After the payment, transaction/UTR numbers must be mentioned in the application form and the printed e-receipt of payment should be enclosed with the application form. A copy of printed e-receipt of payment must be preserved carefully.
Important Dates:
Start Date of On-line Application: 04/04/2024
Last Date of On-line Application: 06/05/2024 (Till 11:59 PM)