MANIT Bhopal e-STTP on X-ray Diffraction: Theory, Methods and Workflow (XRD 2021); Apply by August 30th, 2021
Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology Bhopal is organizing an Online Short-Term Training Course on "X-ray Diffraction: Theory, Methods, and Workflow (XRD 2021)".
- The scope of this course is firstly to acquaint participants with a fundamental understanding of the theoretical basis as well as the practical applications of powder diffractometry followed by a demonstration of XRD analysis techniques.
- Secondly, to provide hands-on training to determine the crystal and molecular structure from the measured X-ray diffraction data.
Date of Workshop:
15th –19th March 2021
- Basics of X-Ray Powder Diffraction, Principal and crystallography History of X-rays.
- Diffractometer: Theory and Instrumental Details (Tube design, Goniometer, Detector, sample holder)
- Demonstration of Equipment
- Sample preparation: Powders (grain size effects, packing/preferred orientation, sample height, and width) Thin-films, Capillary/fibers, Single crystal, and biological samples
- Data collection, optimization of scan parameters, scan optimization, Profile Fitting for Quantitative Analysis
- Acquisition of pattern, Peak indexing, Phase identification
- Scherrer Equation, Williamson -Hall Plot, Calculation of Crystallite Size and Lattice strain
- X-ray Technique for Thin-film Study and Fundamentals of Rietveld Refinement XRD Simulation
Who can Participate?
- Beginners: those who are new to x-ray diffraction
- Undergraduate and postgraduate students of science and engineering discipline looking for certified courses
- Research scholars looking for interpreting their XRD data
- Analysts or Technicians looking for a refresher course
- Lab managers who are responsible for the instrument or generating data in the production line
- Teaching faculty who are handling this course
- Researchers
- Service and Marketing Engineers of these instruments who need to update their understanding of structures
Registration Cost:
- Rs 500/- for students,
- Rs 1000/- for teaching faculties, researchers, and Industrialist
Important Points:
- The last date for the submission of the application is 30th August 2021
- Duration: 3 hours per day
- Experience level: Beginners and intermediate
- Course type: Virtual classroom training
- Teaching Method: Online