Ecole Polytechnique - Organizing INTERNSHIP PROGRAM FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS on "Optimization of an imaging calorimeter for the future Higgs Factories", Apply Now!

Ecole Polytechnique is organizing an INTERNSHIP PROGRAM FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS on "Optimization of an imaging calorimeter for the future Higgs Factories".
The Internship Program for International Students allows undergraduate and graduate students coming from international partner universities of l’Ecole Polytechnique to complete a 3- to a 6-month internship at one laboratory of its research center.
With 23 research facilities devoted to 8 major specialized or transverse fields, 600 researchers, and a €95-million research budget, l'X is ranked 66th in the world for the scientific impact of its publications and for the number of articles co-authored with international institutions
- Advanced Undergraduate Students (3rd or 4th year)
- Master’s students (1st or 2nd year)
Data analysis coding (Python, Root, C++) is a plus.
For the future Higgs Factories, e.g. e+e– colliders primarily dedicated to the Higgs boson studies, but also to electro-weak and top physics, the precision of the measurement are critical. Several concepts of detectors are being elaborated fulfilling this task, with different pros and cons. An innovative way to achieve the desired resolution on the energy of the jets produced by the boson’s decays in quarks is to combine at best all the information of the various sub-detectors, taking into account their intrinsic limitations. To do so, imaging calorimeters associated with a high-performance tracking system is mandatory. An electromagnetic calorimeter using silicon as a sensor and tungsten as an absorber is being developed by the LLR together with other teams. We have recorded data in the beam test campaign at the CERN and DESY facilities. The students will work on the existing real and simulated (GEANT4) data, to test methods of information reconstruction and establish the limits for the future detector model.
Important Details:
- Name of the Host Laboratory: Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet
- Website of the Host Laboratory:
- Research Group: CALICE
- Internship Supervisor: Vincent Boudry
- Internship Subject: Optimisation of an imaging calorimeter for the future Higgs Factories
Proposed Duration:
- 3 months
- 4 months
- 5 months
- 6 months