IITM HTIC MedTech Incubator is organizing a 6-week Technology Entrepreneurship Development Program

Application is invited for the IITM HTIC MedTech Incubator is organizing a 6-week Technology Entrepreneurship Development Program which is sponsored by the DST India.
IITM HTIC MedTech Incubator organizing a 6-week program on Technology Entrepreneurship Development. The objective of the program is to motivate and develop entrepreneurs in specific products/technologies/processes by bringing subject matter experts from Industrial, Financial, IP, Investors, Former CEOs & start-up founders, banking sectors. Full-time virtual program without any fees. Upon successful completion of the program, participants will receive a certificate from the Department of Science & Technology (DST).
Last date
The last date for this is 18th Jan 2021
The following candidates can apply for this program,
- Student
- Faculty
- Startup
- Employee
- Others