NIT Raipur | 2nd National CNF on Contemporary Issues and Trends in Literature, Society and Politics (CITLSP-23), Apply by 8th December 2023!

NIT Raipur is inviting applications for a 2nd National Conference on Contemporary Issues and Trends in Literature, Society and Politics (CITLSP-23). Interested ones can apply.
Call for Papers:
High-quality research contributions describing original and unpublished results of conceptual, constructive, empirical, experimental, or theoretical work in all areas of Humanities and Social Sciences are cordially invited for presentation at the conference. All submitted papers will be reviewed by at least two reviewers. Topics of interest for paper submission include diverse fields of Humanities &Social Sciences (but not limited to the following).
Humanities &Social Sciences: Politics and Language, Politics and Power, Politics and Gender, Politics and the New Media, Language, Culture and Transition, Socio-political linguistics, Bimultilingualism, Education and Language, Discourse Analysis, Discourse Political Discourse, Psychology, New Writings in English, Women’s Writings, Indian English writing, Diaspora, American Literature, Commonwealth Literature, Critical Theory, British Literature, Teaching of Language and Literature, Teaching and Learning of English as a Foreign/ Second Language, Effective Teaching Methodologies in Language and Literature, Socio-political Issues and Solutions.
Registration Fee (Non Refundable):
Participants(Non Presenter ) : 500/-
Participants (Presenter ): 600/-
Faculty Members/Industry Personnel: 700/-
Mode of payment:
All payments shall be made by demand draft in favor of “Director, National Institute of Technology Raipur”, payable at Raipur latest by 15th December 2023 or else by NEFT on the account name “Director NIT Raipur” with Account Number: 38027633250 and IFSC Code: SBIN0002852
Important Dates:
Abstract (200-250 words) Submission: 8th December 2023
Notification of Acceptance: 10th December 2023
Registration of Accepted Papers:14th December 2023
Conference Date: 16th December, 2023
Final Manuscript Submission: December 26, 2023: