WHO - Organizing an Internship Programme, Apply Now!

WHO is organizing an Internship Programme.
A competent and dynamic health workforce at the heart of each health system is essential to advance global health goals. Countries need a pool of health professionals trained and exposed to the systems and processes in the health sector and who understand how stakeholders interact within the international health arena.
- Provide a framework for assigning eligible students from diverse academic backgrounds to WHO programs where their educational experience can be enhanced through capacity-building opportunities.
- Provide an opportunity for WHO programs to benefit from engagement from students specializing in various fields related to technical and administrative programs of WHO.
- WHO offers internships in technical areas and administrative programs such as communication, external relations, or human resources.
- Age: You are at least twenty years of age on the date of application.
- Education: You are enrolled in a course of study at a university or equivalent institution leading to a formal qualification (undergraduate, graduate, or postgraduate), in a public health, medical or social field related to the technical work of WHO, or in a management, administrative, communications, or external relations-related field. Applicants who have already completed a qualification may also qualify for consideration if they apply to the internship within six months following the completion of the formal qualification. You have completed three years of full-time studies at a university or equivalent institution before starting the internship (bachelor's level or equivalent).
- Languages: You are fluent at least in one of the working languages of the office of assignment.
- Family relation: You are not related to a WHO staff member (e.g., son/daughter, brother/sister, or mother/father).
- Nationality: You hold a valid passport of a WHO Member State.
- Other: You have not previously participated in WHO’s Internship Programme.
How to apply?
We invite candidates from across the world to apply to the WHO Global Internship Programme.
All applications must be made through the internship position vacancy notices posted on the WHO Careers site using the WHO online recruitment system (Stellis). There is no possibility to apply for an internship at WHO outside Stellis. More information on the recruitment process can be found in the FAQs section.
Internship positions are available in various areas of work and different organizational locations (regional offices, country offices, or headquarters). As internship opportunities are posted continuously, with each containing different requirements and application deadlines, we encourage you to check the internship page regularly for new opportunities.
WHO provides all interns with medical and accident insurance coverage during the duration of the internship period. Insurance coverage before the internship's start date and after the internship's end date, including travel to and from the duty station location, is the sole personal and financial responsibility of the individual intern.
As of January 2020, the WHO provides a living allowance to eligible selected interns who need financial support. All interns must complete a legal Declaration of Interests form. This form requires intern candidates to declare any relevant financial disclosures, including any financial support in the form of grants bursaries, scholarships, etc. Based on the information provided in this form, the intern candidates’ eligibility to receive financial support from WHO will be assessed.
Lunch vouchers may be provided at some duty stations.
Candidate obligations BEFORE an internship offer are extended:
- Interns must be available to work full-time for a minimum of six (6) weeks up to a maximum of 24 weeks duration, depending on the needs of the WHO technical unit.
- Interns must provide proof of enrolment in a course of studies or proof of completion of their last qualification.
- Interns must disclose any circumstances that could give rise to a potential conflict of interest related to the subject of the activity in which they will be involved during their assignment (Declaration of Interest) including financial support for the internship.
- Interns must provide the completed WHO medical certificate of fitness for work form prior to the start of their internship.
- Interns are requested not to send any documents until specifically asked to do so.