Innovations in Teaching
Webinars, post-class of activity based exercises. Some readings, and online among these learners on insights assessments were gained. The practical exercises and other recordings are made among the few available to those who are unmethods used to able to come to the campus. This group is required to watch the viring in blended deos, complete the exercises at learning home and send a video record ing, a detailed review or com- ABHISHEK MOHAN GUPTA & plete an assignment based on SANDEEP SHASTRI what they have seen. Universities are also in the Having seen tremendous chal- process of devising strategies to lenges over the last year, it is now usher in blended learning and clear that educational institu- educators have already begun tions cannot look forward to re separating the content into that turning to the pre-March 2020 which will suit the online mode situation. The future learning en- and that which requires the learvironment is going to be very ners physical presence. different. With 40% learning being alIn the initial stages of the lock. lowed online, one could allow down, Higher Education Insti- students to choose half of this tutes were among the first to from available online courses adopt online learning and con- and seek exemption from speciduct of assessments. Both lacul fied ones based on equivalence. ty members and students learnt When it comes to face-to-face into adjust to the new mode and teraction, the focus can be on the former attempted and cham- practice-based learning. Moving pioned several innovations in forward, more project-based the teaching-learning process in- learning can be used with regucluding sending pre- and post- lar reviews and discussions on class material to students, en. the progress. Evaluation can be couraging peer discussion and more application-oriented, group work through use of on- which will ensure that strict line tools, making assignments proctoring will not be a critical more practice based, and orga- requirement. More such innovanising interactive webinars with tions can ensure that the quality guest speakers to reflect on cur and content of learning can be riculum-based issues as well as enhanced by a judicious mix of matters of general importance. the online and physical modes. With full opening of educa. tional institutions in doubt, un Abhishek Mohan Gupta is Pro iversities need to gear up to Chancellor, Jagran Lakecity make learning interesting for University, Bhopal and Dr. Sandeep those who choose to come to the Shastri, Vice Chancellor, Jagran campus by introducing a range Lakecity University, Bhopal GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCK
Edubard Posts
Internship Opportunity with Unified Mentor Apply by 15th Jan 2025
Exciting Opportunity: Financial Analyst Intern at Revolut
NIT Karnataka | International Conference on Power Electronics Drives and Energy Systems, Apply by 15th June 2024!
NIT Jalandhar | Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow, Apply by 20th June 2024!
NIT Raipur | e-STTP on “Blockchain Technologies & Application”, Apply by 25 June 2024!
NIT Kurukshetra | Workshop on Tools and Techniques for Information and Cyber Security, Apply by 14 June 2024!
NIT Warangal | FDP on Data Science and its Applications, Apply by 12th June 2024!
NIT Raipur | Course on Applied Data Analytics: A Practical Approach, Apply by 5th June 2024!
NIT Raipur | Workshop on Reinventing Wireless Communication Data Driven Signal Processing For 6G Networks, Apply by 30th June 2024!
NIT Raipur | Workshop on Exploring Semiconductor Devices: A Practical Approach to VLSI, Apply 10th June 2024!
Exciting Opportunity: Financial Analyst Intern at Revolut
NIT Karnataka | International Conference on Power Electronics Drives and Energy Systems, Apply by 15th June 2024!
NIT Jalandhar | Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow, Apply by 20th June 2024!
NIT Raipur | e-STTP on “Blockchain Technologies & Application”, Apply by 25 June 2024!
NIT Kurukshetra | Workshop on Tools and Techniques for Information and Cyber Security, Apply by 14 June 2024!
NIT Warangal | FDP on Data Science and its Applications, Apply by 12th June 2024!
NIT Raipur | Course on Applied Data Analytics: A Practical Approach, Apply by 5th June 2024!
NIT Raipur | Workshop on Reinventing Wireless Communication Data Driven Signal Processing For 6G Networks, Apply by 30th June 2024!
NIT Raipur | Workshop on Exploring Semiconductor Devices: A Practical Approach to VLSI, Apply 10th June 2024!