DEEMED TO BE UNIVERSITY ADMISSION NOTICE ndira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR) invides applications for admission to he following programmes: 1. M.Sc. (Economics): Thisis alwo-year programme commencing end July 2021. Eligibility: Minimum quaification for admission to M.Sc programme indudes one of the following degrees of their equivalents: B.A.B.Sc in Economics B.Com B. Stat.B.Sc (Physics or Mathematics B.Tech./B.E with at least 55% aggregate maris for Economics discipline and 60% aggregate marks for other disciplines. The applicant must have studied Mathematics at the trgher Secondary or higher level. Reservation Polcrasper Goveninen od India Rules Reserved Category applicants have to produce the necessary documentation as per Gol Rule. Need-based scholarships are available for Masters students as per insttute's normas, Ph.D. (Development Studies): This a fouryear programme commencing and July 2021. Eligibility: Minimum qualification for admission to the Ph.D. programme includas one of the folosing degrees or their equivalents: M.A.M.Sc in Economics M. Stat.M.Sc. (Physiosa Mathematics or Environmental Science or Operations Research MBA/M Tech IME B.Tech.B.E.with at least 55% aggregate marks for Economics disopine and 60% aggregate marks for other disciplines. The applicant mus: tave studied mathematics at the higher secondary or higher level Reservation Policy as per Government of India Rules. Reserver Category applicants have to produce the necessary documentation as per GOI RuleStipend: PhD students will recercamonty stipend of 25,000/- to be revised in the fix two years. These students who fullif the terms and conditions for Ph.D. registration, W) receive a monthly stipendo+35,001- (to be revised)afterPhD. registration in the third year Online Application and payment of Fee: Candidales can fill the application form online available at General Category: The online application fee is 75001-party Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe Physically Disabled Other Backward Castes (non. creamy layer Economically Weaker Section: Theonine application fee is <1001-only Last date for receiptofOnbne Applicabon formis April 18, 2021 Corrigendum if any regarding the above advertisement will be published on the Institute's website: Visit Site Below Registrar, IGIDR
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